Becoming A Professional Gambler

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In short: Keep as much money as possible from free bets. Matched betting is the. The answer is a little different to you may expect! Professional gamblers share a common trait; not following the crowd. In this Q & A session, Caan answers.


Most gamblers realize that becoming a professional isn't an easy path. A successful pro must excel at a specific game and be disciplined in bankroll management and other areas.

Even still, professional gambling seems like a very desirable job. You need only look at multi-millionaire sports bettors, WSOP champions, and card-counting legends to get inspired.

Being a pro definitely has its highs, including fame and fortune. But it also has plenty of downsides that must be considered too.

That said, I'm going to cover the highs and lows of being a pro gambler and finish by concluding if it's a worthwhile pursuit.

Best Aspects of Being a Pro Gambler

Professional bettors enjoy a number of general advantages and benefits that are specific to their chosen game. The benefits discussed below apply to most forms of pro gambling.

Win Profits From Entertaining Games

The average person goes to casinos knowing full well that they have a solid chance of losing. After all, the casino holds an edge in all of their games.

Nevertheless, these people visit casinos and gamble for the sake of entertainment. While they hope to win, they'll still get plenty of thrills even if they lose.

But just imagine being able to play the same games, only with an edge.

Professional gamblers make their living off what other people call entertainment.

As I'll cover later, this profession isn't always as glamorous as it seems, but it's exciting enough to keep many pro gamblers engaged in their job.

Be Your Own Boss

Being your own boss lets you set your own hours and decide your schedule. You don't have somebody else clocking your 10-minute break or limiting you to half-hour lunches.

Those who gamble for a living get to enjoy this very perk. They can enter the casino or log in online whenever the mood strikes and stop playing when they've had enough for the day.

Depending upon the game, some points of the day are more advantageous than others. For example, many online poker pros work during evening hours and weekends when many recreational players are online.

But even in these cases, professionals have some degree of control over their schedule. They can choose to take a night off when they need it and set their hours as necessary.

You Control Your Destiny

Most forms of employment don't give you a true chance to move up the ladder. You may be able to get a promotion after a few years, but you're still at the mercy of your boss or whoever's making such decisions.

Gambling, on the other hand, is a wide-open affair. You can improve your situation by studying your profession and becoming more skilled.

Of course, there are limitations to how much you can move up in the gambling world based on your bankroll. You can't expect to consistently beat $1,000 buy-in tournaments and daily fantasy sports (DFS) on a consistent basis if you only have $5,000.

By and large, though, being a professional gambler gives you greater control over your destiny than most regular jobs.

Virtually Unlimited Earning Potential

I'll reiterate again that some limitations apply to moving up the ladder in gambling. But the good news is that your earning potential is still almost limitless.

Nobody is stopping you from gradually accumulating a massive bankroll through sports betting and one day making six- or seven-figure wagers. Likewise, no one can prevent you from becoming a high-stakes poker player one day.

The key is having the patience and discipline to reach for higher and higher levels. While you may not ultimately make it to the top, you can at least improve your standing and win more money.

Become Famous

Some forms of gambling give you a platform for gaining fame. Poker, blackjack, daily fantasy sports, and sports betting have all seen certain players become well known.

Poker has especially created a number of minor celebrities. Players like Daniel Negreanu, Phil Ivey, Patrik Antonius, Phil Hellmuth, Gus Hansen, and Dan Cates have all gained some degree of international fame for their success.

Certain members of the MIT blackjack team became infamous through their card-counting exploits and even had a mainstream movie made about them.

Other counters like Ed Thorp, Al Snyder, Ken Uston, and James Grosjean are also blackjack legends. You may not necessarily set out to be famous when embarking on a professional gambling journey, but it can be an interesting byproduct if you become good enough.

Travel to Interesting Places

Card counters and poker players may find themselves traveling to exotic destinations in their line of work. This especially comes into play with poker because major tournaments are held throughout the world.

The PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA), for example, is held at Paradise Island (Nassau), Bahamas. The Aussie Millions is staged in Melbourne, Australia, annually.

As for card counters, they often go where the games are good. If they've been thrown out of too many Vegas casinos, they may find more success in Europe or the Caribbean.

Of course, not every gambler wants to travel as part of their job, because it takes time and a portion of their bankroll. But those who do enjoy seeing the world will like this aspect.

Have a Cool Job

As a gambling pro, you'll receive lots of questions from other people. They may even pick your brain about how to become a professional themselves.

This line of work isn't common, such as being a truck driver, working in a factory, or being a salesman.

Gambling is a unique job that makes people curious.

You may sometimes find yourself the center of attention at gatherings when others find out that you gamble for a living.

Satisfaction of Being Among the Best

Again, few get the chance to play casino games or other forms of gambling professionally. Even if you only last in this field for 1-2 years, you're still far better than the average gambler.

Any type of game you play will be a competitive affair. You'll especially face resistance in player-versus-player games like poker and DFS.

How To Be A Professional Gambler Casino

If you embrace studying strategy to improve your skills, then you'll fare well against opponents. With the right work ethic, you may even ascend to the top of your respective game.

Worst Aspects of Being a Pro Gambler

The advantages discussed above show why people aspire to make a full-time living through gambling. But what many of the same bettors don't take into account is that there are some serious downsides to this type of work.

You may ultimately find that the pros outweigh the cons, but you'll still want to be aware of the following drawbacks before throwing yourself into the matter.

Being a Pro Can Make Gambling Boring

Nobody randomly decides that they want to gamble for a living. They instead start out playing a fun casino game and decide that they've found a potential dream job.

But what may seem fun and exciting at first can become a drag. As a professional, you're no longer gambling for fun.

Becoming a professional gambler

You're instead constantly looking for favorable opportunities and ways to maintain your edge. While this can still be rewarding, it's not the same as visiting the casino once per week whenever you feel like it.

Poker is a great example of how boring professional gambling can be. The pros are often called 'grinders' because they spend hours playing hand after hand and grinding out profits.

The rewards can be well worth the effort, but it may not seem so when you're playing up to 12 hours per day in a multi-table tournament.

Income Isn't Steady

Gambling is the total opposite of a nine-to-five job. You don't punch in and earn X amount of dollars per hour.

Your income is based on a combination of your skills, how many hours you play, and if luck is going your way. The luck factor is especially tough to deal with because it means that you never know how much you'll make in any given week.

Those who play in big DFS and poker tournaments especially know the difficulty of predicting their income. These gamblers rely on huge scores, which come very inconsistently in larger tourneys.

Downswings Are Common

Every form of gambling is subject to a degree of chance, no matter how good you are. You'll be riding high when you're playing well and luck is in your favor.

Unfortunately, you also go through periods where you can't catch a break. You may make a lot of seemingly good sports bets, only to continue losing again and again.

These downswings can certainly be depressing. However, they're something you must be fully prepared to deal with when gambling for a living.

You Need a Large Bankroll

You won't make much money through gambling if you don't have a big bankroll. After all, your bankroll determines how large of stakes you'll be able to play for.

You don't have to compete in DFS tournaments with four-figure buy-ins or poker cash stakes worth $200/$400 just to be successful, but you do need enough money to cover fairly high limits and your bills.

Learn To Be A Professional Gambler

$50 sports bets and $10 buy-in DFS contests aren't going to cut it. You instead want a bankroll worth thousands of dollars so that you can make the type of bets that'll bring in serious profits.

Must Maintain Skills to Succeed

Just because you become a professional bettor doesn't mean that you maintain this status forever. You instead need to work on your skills so that you can improve, or at least remain at the same level.

You're not guaranteed a tomorrow with card counting, esports betting, poker, or any other legitimate gambling profession. If your abilities erode, then your chances of winning also go down the tubes.

You definitely want to study your respective game in order to keep up. Unfortunately, this means putting more work in away from the gambling side.

Hard to Stay Disciplined

Earlier, I covered how gambling can become boring when you have to do it every day. This problem can cause you to become undisciplined and take unnecessary risks.

You may start out with every intention of doing the right thing and placing bets with positive expected value. However, your plans can go off the rails after you've been playing poker professionally for three years and are bored with the matter.

Many poker pros make prop bets with each other because they want to spice up the action. They get tired of playing numerous hands and want to try a different type of gamble with each other.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with a fun weight-loss bet or challenge on how many lunges one can do. But players should never make the type of wagers that could put their career in jeopardy.

Travel and Casino Life Can Become a Grind

Earlier, I discussed how traveling can be a perk for professional gamblers. Those who've always dreamed of going to Europe, the Caribbean, or elsewhere will appreciate where gambling can take them.

But traveling also becomes a drain, especially when one has to do it often. Many poker tournament pros tire of constantly being on the road.

Even if you don't have to go far to gamble, simply spending hours in the casino is also a grind. Card counters and live poker pros know this all too well.

Some Look Down Upon Professional Gamblers

Having an interesting job as a pro gambler is good to some degree. However, you also have to consider that general society frowns upon this profession.

The average person doesn't realize that you're making money through skill. They instead envision you as a degenerate gambler who sits around drinking and smoking cigars.

This stereotype is no longer as true today, but that doesn't stop many people from seeing professional gamblers as degenerates.

Becoming A Professional Gambler

You're Not Contributing to Society

You probably won't get much fulfillment out of gambling when considering that you're not producing anything substantial. Instead, you're merely winning money off the casino or other players.

Many poker pros have cited this aspect when they retire from the game.

They grow bored of simply beating other players to fund their lifestyle.

The same ex-grinders often find work in a field where they're actually fulfilling a goal beyond just earning money.

You May Not Develop Meaningful Relationships With 'Coworkers'

One benefit to working at a regular company is that you can develop friendships with your coworkers. You may even find yourself hanging out with them beyond the workplace.

Some gamblers have developed the same relationships to a certain degree. However, not everybody appreciates rubbing elbows with fellow gamblers on a daily basis.

Hard to Maintain a Work-Life Balance

The problem with making your own hours is that it's hard to figure out where your personal life ends and your job begins. You have to gamble whenever a favorable opportunity presents itself, or leave profits on the table.

If you're a DFS pro who makes most of your money through NFL games, then you'll need to spend a lot of time on Friday and Saturday crafting your lineups. This is a point when you have the most information possible to make decisions.

Likewise, many online poker pros play during European evening hours. This is the time when the largest number of recreational poker players is online.

This sort of lifestyle creates problems when trying to maintain non-poker friends and a relationship with a significant other. The difficult work-life balance of gambling is another reason why many end up quitting the profession.

Is It Worth Becoming a Pro Gambler?

You really need a passion for whatever game you're playing — at least in the beginning. Having this feeling gives you fuel to continue learning and excelling in your chosen game.

If you enjoy DFS then you not only need to like creating lineups and watching sports but also researching players and in-depth stats.

You can't be successful when you just enjoy the fun parts and forget the rest.

Of course, you may eventually lose this passion after years of playing a specific game. Any of the downsides that I covered earlier can eat away at your desire to gamble for a living.

But you'll only know this if you try becoming a professional in the first place. The reverse side is that you might grow to love whatever game you're playing and embrace it for decades.

You, therefore, have to evaluate how much you really like gambling before jumping head-first into it. Try gradually increasing the number of hours you spend with a particular game to see if you still have the same feeling or if it begins fading.

I definitely don't recommend that you go down the professional gambling path without the proper bankroll. You won't have enough money to survive gaming's volatility.

  • A card-counting team, for example, is advised to start out with at least $20,000 to $25,000. They only have around a 1% edge, meaning they'll suffer losing sessions almost as often as they win.
  • A poker or DFS tournament player should have around 100 buy-ins for their respective stakes. Big tourneys are extremely volatile, meaning one needs a large number of buy-ins while they're waiting for sizable scores.

You also need to be okay with the lows of professional gambling discussed here. Ideally, you want to feel like the pros outweigh the cons.


Being a pro gambler isn't as glamorous as it's made out to be in the movies. You won't constantly be involved in dramatic games or win six or seven figures on a regular basis.

Instead, this job is about getting an edge, maintaining it, and slowly grinding out profits over time. As long as you know and accept this going in, then you may be right for this profession.

Of course, everything begins with having the necessary skills to win on a regular basis. You can't call yourself a card counter or pro esports bettor when you lose over half your money.

You need to dedicate yourself to learning strategy and improving your skills. With enough time and effort, you may eventually have what it takes to succeed.

Gambling as a pro definitely has its benefits. You can set your own hours, control your destiny, have an interesting job, and win lots of money.

However, this profession also comes with drawbacks. Your favorite game can suddenly become boring, the income is volatile, you have to maintain your skills, and travel may become a regular thing.

Not everybody is cut out for this line of work. That's why so few people actually gamble for a living. But if you want to be a pro bad enough, then the opportunity is there in several games.

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So, you want to become a professional gambler? No worries, anything is possible, especially in the world of gambling.

However, being a professional gambler is not only games and fun. Be prepared to work hard, study harder and sometimes fail along the way. Skill and dedication will take you far but be prepared for one and another curveball.

In this text, our editor in chief at Casino Captain will teach you all there is to know about becoming a professional gambler, including pros and cons, and how to make a living while being one.

Table of Contents

Gambling as a Profession

If you are being serious about becoming a professional gambler you'll first need to choose a game. When choosing you should keep in mind that most games where you actually can influence your own faith, won't really be classified as gambling.

Gambling does essentially mean that you take a risk on a game of chance. And since the house always has an advantage in games like that, it means that you most likely will lose in the long run.

With that being said, we can establish that trying to become a professional gambler in a game of chance isn't the best option. Despite that, you have probably heard people talking about winning on roulette and craps 'thanks to their system'.

Well, don't worry about systems, we can guarantee you that there is no point choosing a game based on luck. If you are aiming to make your living as a professional gambler you should choose a game of skill.

In addition to skill games there are a few other ways to earn your living from gambling, today many people profit on gambling in various ways. Keep reading below to find out what you need to know about gambling professionally.

Can You Make A Living From Gambling?

The short answer is; yes you can! The best and easiest way would obviously be to have luck, win a giant jackpot and never have to worry again. However, this isn't a very safe strategy as it doesn't tend to happen very often.

So, your option is to resort to games that you can effect with the help of your own skills. In this way, it is possible to make a living as a professional gambler. But be aware, not everyone is made for it and it's a risky job with no guarantees.

Pros and Cons

Even though it may seem like professional gamblers are living a dream life not all that glitters is gold. Here are a few pros and cons you should be aware of before deciding to gamble professionally.


  • Spending your days doing something you enjoy
  • Possibility to make really good money
  • It's exciting
  • You will keep learning while playing


  • You risk losing more money than you can afford
  • There is no guarantee you will make enough money
  • You are risking to be blocked from sports bettings sites and casinos that see what you are doing
  • Can be addictive

7 Ways to Make Money Gambling

To have any chance at all to succeed you will need to pick an area where you give your very best effort for a good period of time and never lose your focus. If you decide to pursue becoming a professional gambler there are quite a few alternatives to choose between. Take a look at your options below.

1. Professional Bettor

One of the options is to become a professional bettor. This is certainly not an easy task and you'll need to be very up to date with what going on in the sport/sports you choose to bet on. There are different strategies to use when it comes to professional sports betting:

  • Matched Bettor
  • Value Bettor
  • Arbitrager
  • Sports Trader

Matched bettor

A matched bettor is someone who takes advantage of the free bets that sports betting sites use as an incentive to attract players. In short, it means a player will create accounts in more than one site and use the free bet on one site to place a bet, and bet on the opposite on another site.

If you want to become a matched bettor good advice is that you sign up on a matched betting site where you can get guidance and help.

Value Bettor

A value bettor is simply someone that know the sports better than the bookies. This way, you will spot odds that are in your favour and take advantage of them. However, being a professional gambler with a focus on this type of betting isn't easy. You will need to dedicate a lot of time and effort into knowing all there is to know about a specific market.


An arbitrager is someone who is involved in arbitrage betting. Arbitrage betting a term that describes how someone takes advantage of different odds on different sports betting sites.

Basically, it means you will need to find betting sites with different odds. For example, one site where the odds say that team A will win, and another site saying team B will win. If the difference is big enough you have a chance to earn money whatever the outcome is.

Sports Trader

Doing sports trading is kind of like trading stocks on the stock market. Here the goal is to find good odds on betting exchanges like Betfair.

For example, in normal sports betting sites, you would place a back bet. This means you are betting that something will happen. The sports betting site will bet against you in a so-called lay bet. On betting exchanges, the sports betting site will not place a lay bet against your back bet.

You or other players are betting against each other. This means that you can 'buy and sell' bets to make a profit, before and while an event happens.

2. Poker Player

Playing poker professionally isn't easy, but for many people, it is easier than most of the other options we have mentioned. Poker is probably the best option when it comes to playing games professionally. Especially since there is a wide range of different selections, a constant flow of players with less experience and big prize money to win.

Poker is a game of strategy that you can study and practice to become better. This means that the more you learn the greater the chances are for you to be able to play poker professionally.

Becoming a professional sports gambler

In short: Keep as much money as possible from free bets. Matched betting is the. The answer is a little different to you may expect! Professional gamblers share a common trait; not following the crowd. In this Q & A session, Caan answers.


Most gamblers realize that becoming a professional isn't an easy path. A successful pro must excel at a specific game and be disciplined in bankroll management and other areas.

Even still, professional gambling seems like a very desirable job. You need only look at multi-millionaire sports bettors, WSOP champions, and card-counting legends to get inspired.

Being a pro definitely has its highs, including fame and fortune. But it also has plenty of downsides that must be considered too.

That said, I'm going to cover the highs and lows of being a pro gambler and finish by concluding if it's a worthwhile pursuit.

Best Aspects of Being a Pro Gambler

Professional bettors enjoy a number of general advantages and benefits that are specific to their chosen game. The benefits discussed below apply to most forms of pro gambling.

Win Profits From Entertaining Games

The average person goes to casinos knowing full well that they have a solid chance of losing. After all, the casino holds an edge in all of their games.

Nevertheless, these people visit casinos and gamble for the sake of entertainment. While they hope to win, they'll still get plenty of thrills even if they lose.

But just imagine being able to play the same games, only with an edge.

Professional gamblers make their living off what other people call entertainment.

As I'll cover later, this profession isn't always as glamorous as it seems, but it's exciting enough to keep many pro gamblers engaged in their job.

Be Your Own Boss

Being your own boss lets you set your own hours and decide your schedule. You don't have somebody else clocking your 10-minute break or limiting you to half-hour lunches.

Those who gamble for a living get to enjoy this very perk. They can enter the casino or log in online whenever the mood strikes and stop playing when they've had enough for the day.

Depending upon the game, some points of the day are more advantageous than others. For example, many online poker pros work during evening hours and weekends when many recreational players are online.

But even in these cases, professionals have some degree of control over their schedule. They can choose to take a night off when they need it and set their hours as necessary.

You Control Your Destiny

Most forms of employment don't give you a true chance to move up the ladder. You may be able to get a promotion after a few years, but you're still at the mercy of your boss or whoever's making such decisions.

Gambling, on the other hand, is a wide-open affair. You can improve your situation by studying your profession and becoming more skilled.

Of course, there are limitations to how much you can move up in the gambling world based on your bankroll. You can't expect to consistently beat $1,000 buy-in tournaments and daily fantasy sports (DFS) on a consistent basis if you only have $5,000.

By and large, though, being a professional gambler gives you greater control over your destiny than most regular jobs.

Virtually Unlimited Earning Potential

I'll reiterate again that some limitations apply to moving up the ladder in gambling. But the good news is that your earning potential is still almost limitless.

Nobody is stopping you from gradually accumulating a massive bankroll through sports betting and one day making six- or seven-figure wagers. Likewise, no one can prevent you from becoming a high-stakes poker player one day.

The key is having the patience and discipline to reach for higher and higher levels. While you may not ultimately make it to the top, you can at least improve your standing and win more money.

Become Famous

Some forms of gambling give you a platform for gaining fame. Poker, blackjack, daily fantasy sports, and sports betting have all seen certain players become well known.

Poker has especially created a number of minor celebrities. Players like Daniel Negreanu, Phil Ivey, Patrik Antonius, Phil Hellmuth, Gus Hansen, and Dan Cates have all gained some degree of international fame for their success.

Certain members of the MIT blackjack team became infamous through their card-counting exploits and even had a mainstream movie made about them.

Other counters like Ed Thorp, Al Snyder, Ken Uston, and James Grosjean are also blackjack legends. You may not necessarily set out to be famous when embarking on a professional gambling journey, but it can be an interesting byproduct if you become good enough.

Travel to Interesting Places

Card counters and poker players may find themselves traveling to exotic destinations in their line of work. This especially comes into play with poker because major tournaments are held throughout the world.

The PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA), for example, is held at Paradise Island (Nassau), Bahamas. The Aussie Millions is staged in Melbourne, Australia, annually.

As for card counters, they often go where the games are good. If they've been thrown out of too many Vegas casinos, they may find more success in Europe or the Caribbean.

Of course, not every gambler wants to travel as part of their job, because it takes time and a portion of their bankroll. But those who do enjoy seeing the world will like this aspect.

Have a Cool Job

As a gambling pro, you'll receive lots of questions from other people. They may even pick your brain about how to become a professional themselves.

This line of work isn't common, such as being a truck driver, working in a factory, or being a salesman.

Gambling is a unique job that makes people curious.

You may sometimes find yourself the center of attention at gatherings when others find out that you gamble for a living.

Satisfaction of Being Among the Best

Again, few get the chance to play casino games or other forms of gambling professionally. Even if you only last in this field for 1-2 years, you're still far better than the average gambler.

Any type of game you play will be a competitive affair. You'll especially face resistance in player-versus-player games like poker and DFS.

How To Be A Professional Gambler Casino

If you embrace studying strategy to improve your skills, then you'll fare well against opponents. With the right work ethic, you may even ascend to the top of your respective game.

Worst Aspects of Being a Pro Gambler

The advantages discussed above show why people aspire to make a full-time living through gambling. But what many of the same bettors don't take into account is that there are some serious downsides to this type of work.

You may ultimately find that the pros outweigh the cons, but you'll still want to be aware of the following drawbacks before throwing yourself into the matter.

Being a Pro Can Make Gambling Boring

Nobody randomly decides that they want to gamble for a living. They instead start out playing a fun casino game and decide that they've found a potential dream job.

But what may seem fun and exciting at first can become a drag. As a professional, you're no longer gambling for fun.

You're instead constantly looking for favorable opportunities and ways to maintain your edge. While this can still be rewarding, it's not the same as visiting the casino once per week whenever you feel like it.

Poker is a great example of how boring professional gambling can be. The pros are often called 'grinders' because they spend hours playing hand after hand and grinding out profits.

The rewards can be well worth the effort, but it may not seem so when you're playing up to 12 hours per day in a multi-table tournament.

Income Isn't Steady

Gambling is the total opposite of a nine-to-five job. You don't punch in and earn X amount of dollars per hour.

Your income is based on a combination of your skills, how many hours you play, and if luck is going your way. The luck factor is especially tough to deal with because it means that you never know how much you'll make in any given week.

Those who play in big DFS and poker tournaments especially know the difficulty of predicting their income. These gamblers rely on huge scores, which come very inconsistently in larger tourneys.

Downswings Are Common

Every form of gambling is subject to a degree of chance, no matter how good you are. You'll be riding high when you're playing well and luck is in your favor.

Unfortunately, you also go through periods where you can't catch a break. You may make a lot of seemingly good sports bets, only to continue losing again and again.

These downswings can certainly be depressing. However, they're something you must be fully prepared to deal with when gambling for a living.

You Need a Large Bankroll

You won't make much money through gambling if you don't have a big bankroll. After all, your bankroll determines how large of stakes you'll be able to play for.

You don't have to compete in DFS tournaments with four-figure buy-ins or poker cash stakes worth $200/$400 just to be successful, but you do need enough money to cover fairly high limits and your bills.

Learn To Be A Professional Gambler

$50 sports bets and $10 buy-in DFS contests aren't going to cut it. You instead want a bankroll worth thousands of dollars so that you can make the type of bets that'll bring in serious profits.

Must Maintain Skills to Succeed

Just because you become a professional bettor doesn't mean that you maintain this status forever. You instead need to work on your skills so that you can improve, or at least remain at the same level.

You're not guaranteed a tomorrow with card counting, esports betting, poker, or any other legitimate gambling profession. If your abilities erode, then your chances of winning also go down the tubes.

You definitely want to study your respective game in order to keep up. Unfortunately, this means putting more work in away from the gambling side.

Hard to Stay Disciplined

Earlier, I covered how gambling can become boring when you have to do it every day. This problem can cause you to become undisciplined and take unnecessary risks.

You may start out with every intention of doing the right thing and placing bets with positive expected value. However, your plans can go off the rails after you've been playing poker professionally for three years and are bored with the matter.

Many poker pros make prop bets with each other because they want to spice up the action. They get tired of playing numerous hands and want to try a different type of gamble with each other.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with a fun weight-loss bet or challenge on how many lunges one can do. But players should never make the type of wagers that could put their career in jeopardy.

Travel and Casino Life Can Become a Grind

Earlier, I discussed how traveling can be a perk for professional gamblers. Those who've always dreamed of going to Europe, the Caribbean, or elsewhere will appreciate where gambling can take them.

But traveling also becomes a drain, especially when one has to do it often. Many poker tournament pros tire of constantly being on the road.

Even if you don't have to go far to gamble, simply spending hours in the casino is also a grind. Card counters and live poker pros know this all too well.

Some Look Down Upon Professional Gamblers

Having an interesting job as a pro gambler is good to some degree. However, you also have to consider that general society frowns upon this profession.

The average person doesn't realize that you're making money through skill. They instead envision you as a degenerate gambler who sits around drinking and smoking cigars.

This stereotype is no longer as true today, but that doesn't stop many people from seeing professional gamblers as degenerates.

You're Not Contributing to Society

You probably won't get much fulfillment out of gambling when considering that you're not producing anything substantial. Instead, you're merely winning money off the casino or other players.

Many poker pros have cited this aspect when they retire from the game.

They grow bored of simply beating other players to fund their lifestyle.

The same ex-grinders often find work in a field where they're actually fulfilling a goal beyond just earning money.

You May Not Develop Meaningful Relationships With 'Coworkers'

One benefit to working at a regular company is that you can develop friendships with your coworkers. You may even find yourself hanging out with them beyond the workplace.

Some gamblers have developed the same relationships to a certain degree. However, not everybody appreciates rubbing elbows with fellow gamblers on a daily basis.

Hard to Maintain a Work-Life Balance

The problem with making your own hours is that it's hard to figure out where your personal life ends and your job begins. You have to gamble whenever a favorable opportunity presents itself, or leave profits on the table.

If you're a DFS pro who makes most of your money through NFL games, then you'll need to spend a lot of time on Friday and Saturday crafting your lineups. This is a point when you have the most information possible to make decisions.

Likewise, many online poker pros play during European evening hours. This is the time when the largest number of recreational poker players is online.

This sort of lifestyle creates problems when trying to maintain non-poker friends and a relationship with a significant other. The difficult work-life balance of gambling is another reason why many end up quitting the profession.

Is It Worth Becoming a Pro Gambler?

You really need a passion for whatever game you're playing — at least in the beginning. Having this feeling gives you fuel to continue learning and excelling in your chosen game.

If you enjoy DFS then you not only need to like creating lineups and watching sports but also researching players and in-depth stats.

You can't be successful when you just enjoy the fun parts and forget the rest.

Of course, you may eventually lose this passion after years of playing a specific game. Any of the downsides that I covered earlier can eat away at your desire to gamble for a living.

But you'll only know this if you try becoming a professional in the first place. The reverse side is that you might grow to love whatever game you're playing and embrace it for decades.

You, therefore, have to evaluate how much you really like gambling before jumping head-first into it. Try gradually increasing the number of hours you spend with a particular game to see if you still have the same feeling or if it begins fading.

I definitely don't recommend that you go down the professional gambling path without the proper bankroll. You won't have enough money to survive gaming's volatility.

  • A card-counting team, for example, is advised to start out with at least $20,000 to $25,000. They only have around a 1% edge, meaning they'll suffer losing sessions almost as often as they win.
  • A poker or DFS tournament player should have around 100 buy-ins for their respective stakes. Big tourneys are extremely volatile, meaning one needs a large number of buy-ins while they're waiting for sizable scores.

You also need to be okay with the lows of professional gambling discussed here. Ideally, you want to feel like the pros outweigh the cons.


Being a pro gambler isn't as glamorous as it's made out to be in the movies. You won't constantly be involved in dramatic games or win six or seven figures on a regular basis.

Instead, this job is about getting an edge, maintaining it, and slowly grinding out profits over time. As long as you know and accept this going in, then you may be right for this profession.

Of course, everything begins with having the necessary skills to win on a regular basis. You can't call yourself a card counter or pro esports bettor when you lose over half your money.

You need to dedicate yourself to learning strategy and improving your skills. With enough time and effort, you may eventually have what it takes to succeed.

Gambling as a pro definitely has its benefits. You can set your own hours, control your destiny, have an interesting job, and win lots of money.

However, this profession also comes with drawbacks. Your favorite game can suddenly become boring, the income is volatile, you have to maintain your skills, and travel may become a regular thing.

Not everybody is cut out for this line of work. That's why so few people actually gamble for a living. But if you want to be a pro bad enough, then the opportunity is there in several games.

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So, you want to become a professional gambler? No worries, anything is possible, especially in the world of gambling.

However, being a professional gambler is not only games and fun. Be prepared to work hard, study harder and sometimes fail along the way. Skill and dedication will take you far but be prepared for one and another curveball.

In this text, our editor in chief at Casino Captain will teach you all there is to know about becoming a professional gambler, including pros and cons, and how to make a living while being one.

Table of Contents

Gambling as a Profession

If you are being serious about becoming a professional gambler you'll first need to choose a game. When choosing you should keep in mind that most games where you actually can influence your own faith, won't really be classified as gambling.

Gambling does essentially mean that you take a risk on a game of chance. And since the house always has an advantage in games like that, it means that you most likely will lose in the long run.

With that being said, we can establish that trying to become a professional gambler in a game of chance isn't the best option. Despite that, you have probably heard people talking about winning on roulette and craps 'thanks to their system'.

Well, don't worry about systems, we can guarantee you that there is no point choosing a game based on luck. If you are aiming to make your living as a professional gambler you should choose a game of skill.

In addition to skill games there are a few other ways to earn your living from gambling, today many people profit on gambling in various ways. Keep reading below to find out what you need to know about gambling professionally.

Can You Make A Living From Gambling?

The short answer is; yes you can! The best and easiest way would obviously be to have luck, win a giant jackpot and never have to worry again. However, this isn't a very safe strategy as it doesn't tend to happen very often.

So, your option is to resort to games that you can effect with the help of your own skills. In this way, it is possible to make a living as a professional gambler. But be aware, not everyone is made for it and it's a risky job with no guarantees.

Pros and Cons

Even though it may seem like professional gamblers are living a dream life not all that glitters is gold. Here are a few pros and cons you should be aware of before deciding to gamble professionally.


  • Spending your days doing something you enjoy
  • Possibility to make really good money
  • It's exciting
  • You will keep learning while playing


  • You risk losing more money than you can afford
  • There is no guarantee you will make enough money
  • You are risking to be blocked from sports bettings sites and casinos that see what you are doing
  • Can be addictive

7 Ways to Make Money Gambling

To have any chance at all to succeed you will need to pick an area where you give your very best effort for a good period of time and never lose your focus. If you decide to pursue becoming a professional gambler there are quite a few alternatives to choose between. Take a look at your options below.

1. Professional Bettor

One of the options is to become a professional bettor. This is certainly not an easy task and you'll need to be very up to date with what going on in the sport/sports you choose to bet on. There are different strategies to use when it comes to professional sports betting:

  • Matched Bettor
  • Value Bettor
  • Arbitrager
  • Sports Trader

Matched bettor

A matched bettor is someone who takes advantage of the free bets that sports betting sites use as an incentive to attract players. In short, it means a player will create accounts in more than one site and use the free bet on one site to place a bet, and bet on the opposite on another site.

If you want to become a matched bettor good advice is that you sign up on a matched betting site where you can get guidance and help.

Value Bettor

A value bettor is simply someone that know the sports better than the bookies. This way, you will spot odds that are in your favour and take advantage of them. However, being a professional gambler with a focus on this type of betting isn't easy. You will need to dedicate a lot of time and effort into knowing all there is to know about a specific market.


An arbitrager is someone who is involved in arbitrage betting. Arbitrage betting a term that describes how someone takes advantage of different odds on different sports betting sites.

Basically, it means you will need to find betting sites with different odds. For example, one site where the odds say that team A will win, and another site saying team B will win. If the difference is big enough you have a chance to earn money whatever the outcome is.

Sports Trader

Doing sports trading is kind of like trading stocks on the stock market. Here the goal is to find good odds on betting exchanges like Betfair.

For example, in normal sports betting sites, you would place a back bet. This means you are betting that something will happen. The sports betting site will bet against you in a so-called lay bet. On betting exchanges, the sports betting site will not place a lay bet against your back bet.

You or other players are betting against each other. This means that you can 'buy and sell' bets to make a profit, before and while an event happens.

2. Poker Player

Playing poker professionally isn't easy, but for many people, it is easier than most of the other options we have mentioned. Poker is probably the best option when it comes to playing games professionally. Especially since there is a wide range of different selections, a constant flow of players with less experience and big prize money to win.

Poker is a game of strategy that you can study and practice to become better. This means that the more you learn the greater the chances are for you to be able to play poker professionally.

Online poker is a great option for professional gamblers

Playing poker online or in big casinos in Las Vegas are two different things and many people may find it a lot easier to play online since they don't need to worry about their poker faces.

The selection of tournaments online is great and it will be easier to find people at your skill level or lower while playing online.

3. Stream Online Casino Games

So here is a different kind of idea how you could make money by gambling, or gaming for that matter. The last few years players have started to live stream their game sessions while playing online This has become really popular amongst onlookers.

Streaming online casino games means that you will be using a video service like Youtube or Twitch to stream your casino sessions, and earn money while doing so. Who would watch me play casino games you think? Well, think again! Popular casino gamblers are earning good money with this strategy.

There are a few different ways to earn money from these services including advertising, subscriptions, donations, brand partnerships and affiliate programs.

4. Start a Gambling Blog

Another way to earn money which isn't exactly gambling but related to it is through a gambling blog. It takes hard work and dedication but if you manage to get enough visitors and good affiliate deals with casinos and sports betting sites you could potentially have a gold mine in this idea. But be aware, the competition is ruthless and having knowledge about the gambling industry alone won't be enough.

5. Card Counter

Dreaming about an elegant lifestyle in Las Vegas instead of the boring old full-time job? Card counting has certainly gotten a somewhat glamorous reputation, mainly thanks to the It is possible to make money from counting cards while playing blackjack. However, don't expect to be able to count cards on any online casino, it doesn't work. Card counting is not illegal but once you start winning big the casino you are playing on will certainly ban you.

6. Live Dealer

As a live dealer, you won't be playing but the one leading the game. This is the safe side of the table where you will be paid to take part in the games during your work hours. Live dealer work reminds much of the croupier work in a casino and if you were to take this career path you would be leading games such as roulette, baccarat and blackjack.

7. Fantasy Sports Expert

You might be thinking: Can you really make a living from fantasy sports? The answer is yes you can. Although most players play fantasy sports for entertainment purpose this is considered a game of skill based on statistics. With enough knowledge, you could definitely have made a fair share of the money.

What's the Next Step?

In order to succeed in becoming a professional gambler, there are a few steps you need to take. This includes picking a direction. Will it be poker, sports betting or something else? Either way, this is what you need to consider:

Understanding the Risks

First and foremost you'll need to make sure you understand the risk that you are taking. Gambling always includes a risk of losing, and being a professional gambler does not change that. The risk may be smaller when you are good at what you do, but anything can happen and you will need to be prepared for that.

Sometimes it doesn't matter if you have laid down hours and hours to set up a strategy, lightning may strike and you may end up on a losing streak.

Researching the Gambling Sphere

One thing that most professional gamblers have in common is that they do research. Our advice is for you to make sure that you get all the facts straight before you start gambling. Join forums to read and discuss with another gambler, read books on the subject, get on top of anything that could be useful. The more you know, the smaller the risks will be.

Making A Plan

A professional gambler that works with sports trading won't just place random bets. To be successful make sure you have a plan, and follow it.

You should also have a backup plan regarding what you will do if you end up without an income for a long period of time. To have a good amount of savings, or a job on side of the gambling career may be something to consider.

Start Learning

None of the active professional gamblers today were experts from the beginning. Once you've done your research, studying what can be studied it is time to start practising. If you are looking to learn the best is often to take your collected knowledge and get out there. The more time you spend on your new profession, the better you will become.

Starting out Small

Don't go all-in from start, it most likely won't result in you making any money. Start slowly with a carefully considered budget and work your way up. Whether you choose to involve yourself in poker, betting or something else you'll want to be careful not to lose a lot of money just because you throw yourself in it too hard.

Is E-sports Considered Gambling?

Well, playing e-sports is generally not considered as gambling. Although the last few years the interest in this sports area has grown and especially when it comes to betting on e-sports.

So even if you have a big interest in e-sports you can use it to your advantage when betting. You can even earn big chunks of real money by playing e-sport tournaments in teams.

Besides, streaming on Twitch and Youtube while playing e-sports could be an option just like streaming online poker or casino games.

Do You Still Want to Become a Professional Gambler?

Are you still considering professional gambling? Sure, why not! Many professional gamblers manage to win big money while gambling online or in real casinos. If you enjoy the game you play it won't feel like a job and that is surely an added incentive. Just don't forget to play it smart, luck might strike a time or two but in the long term you will need more than luck to succeed.

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